Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Releasing Stress

Stress .. this word must be said, we often hear ... ), especially for longer pursued targets

Make frequent or longer stress.silahkan try the following tips ... ..

1. Control your desire.

The stronger the desire, the greater the threat of stress. Therefore, control every desire. Not that should not have a strong determination to achieve something. It's just that sometimes we are not balanced position themselves in the pursuit of ideals. Softened so that the desires can be achieved and finally become a reality.

2. Know your abilities and potential well.

Someone will be happier to know that he was capable of doing something useful, either for himself or for others. Remember that God created us with the best of shape.

So, to quote the opinion of my husband, I only have one advantage that is NOT HAVE A SHORTAGE. all that is in me is an advantage (shorter, more irritable, more .... just all over deh!) Make sure that everyone has duties and obligations of each on this earth for which he created with all the advantages he had , which is not necessarily owned by someone else.

3. Positive thinking.

There's an old saying: "Better to light a candle than to blame Power Producer" (it's true there is a saying like this..:)). That is, rather than continue to chafe because dead lamps, candles and turn ong! Not so bright. Emergency Lamp also fine
Anyway Positive, Negative Out.

Stop looking for other people's mistakes and make necessary changes made to himself.

See things that should be the bright side. Do not constantly thinking about the negatives. With sunglasses like that, what emerges is the desire that is not cool.

4. Express sadness, fear, anxiety in various forms.

Try talking to other people, singing, laughing (just do not excessively), cry, or write a poem like the my friends.))  The best is to make friends with people who can give advices

5. Continue to pray

We should keep trying, but there are other forces that determine the final outcome, namely the Lord, so continue to do the best.OK

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fresh Face & Healthy Men

In this modern life was not only women, men also need to clean your face to remove oil dirt, sweat, and skin cells to die. The following tips can be used for facial skin peraawatan for men.
Use soap, lotion or gel foam. Choose a soap that has a level of acidity (pH) of about 5.5 to the natural moisture on the skin does not quickly disappear. Choose Cleanser plus in the form of lotion if dry skin freshener.

Use a scrub 2 times a week. Exfoliation is necessary for the dry skin, normal, or oily-cells to stimulate new skin cells. However, if the skin is to avoid having a serious acne.

Use a moisturizer according to skin type denagn.

- Oily Skin: choose a water based & oil free

- Dry skin: apply a moisturizer in the skin is still moist, in order to help bind water moisturizer, choose a cream, to be more youthful, apply a night cream before bed.

- Sensitive Skin: Avoid extra formula with fragrance because it will react to the skin, choose a non alergenic

Try to do exercise because it will make a smooth blood circulation, increase oxygen in the blood, remove toxins, so skin looks fresh and healthy.


Signs are cracked at the foot may occur as they often do activities related to water, such as washing. It could also be because of the foot are often exposed to liquid detergents which can cause a problem foot,
The following treatment you can try to keep your foot healty:
1. Perform regular foot care by applying lotion to feet cream smoother. This is to help the skin becomes soft feet.

2. In addition to chemicals, the skin cracked feet can also be caused by the use of open shoes. The use of open footwear in the tumi in a long time can also cause the skin becomes broken leg. Thus, for skin that has sensitive skin, should use footwear while in the house. When you get wet feet detergent, immediately wash thoroughly.

3. Apply foot care. First, wash feet for about ten minutes. When the legs are tender, Brush with Pumice Foot File or Brush. Can also be used Exfoliating Foot Scrut. Use it on your feet dry and rub until the end of the fingers, legs and thighs. After that wipe clean. Then use soothing foot cream.

4. For those whose feet sweat frequently, they are encouraged to use antiperspirant Foot Cream, Relief Cream Foot Powder Foot and Deodoriqing.

5. For socks, use a cotton and replace it every day.

6. Do not be too often use high heels and shoes that are too narrow, try using open shoes to keep the air circulation there.

7. For routine treatment, spend enough time around 20-30 minutes. Soak feet in a container of warm water that has added a few drops of disinfectant. Rub your toes with a soft brush. As for the heel broken, Brush using a pumice stone or foot penghalus tools that are usually sold in beauty stores. This tool is able to slough off the dry skin on the heel

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Want to Sleep with a healthy way, use loose clothing

There are many ways to live a healthy, other than a healthy diet and exercise, sleep patterns were also influenced by health ...
especially for women, have you slept comfortably lately ..?
Many of the women did not want to bother when they do not change the bed clothes, the clothes worn everyday sometimes used to sleep well.
In fact, the activity most comfortable sleep is to use sleep pajamas or loose clothing.
Additionally, if sleep would be better without a bra. Because the underwear is too much pressure on the abdomen or chest that may suppress the nerves affecting organ function.
If using tight clothing during sleep can cause a variety of ailments such as diarrhea, constipation, dizziness and itching.
Well!, By taking off underwear, blood circulation will be better and more smoothly. Elasticity is also more flexible body so that sleep more soundly.
Body will naturally warmer, skin conditions we shall much better for getting more oxygen

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nail Care Tips

1. Women usually use nail coloring as one part of the fashion or the main attraction that will raise self-esteem. But using the nail color is not constant either because it can make your nails look yellow and brittle. For that, get used to not use nail coloring one day a week so you can rest your nails.

For a Muslim, it is not advisable to use nail color but only for intended for her husband and it was usually with a dye that does not nail is permanent or temporary, for example, we know the natural dyes from leaves of Chinese girlfriend or boyfriend or a kind of Mecca and also in terms of thaharah It is still tolerated if it does not prevent absorb the water into the pores of the nail when the purification ritual impurity or a large shower.

2.Untuk make nails become strong and not easily broken, use star fruit and vegetables and rub-rub at the nail bed. Can also be soaked in balsamic vinegar and olive oil already heated.

3. for those who do housework can make your nails and hands are rough. To soften hands, wash our hands into the citrus juice which has been mixed with honey for 10 minutes.

4. To remove stains on your nails, wash your hand  in warm water that has been given lemon juice for 15-20 minutes. Because orange juice contains astringent that can eliminate the dull color of the nail.

5. Fingernail growth every week about 0,5-1,5 mm is four times faster than toenails growth. For that, see to it that we keep fingernails short to eliminate the entry of bacteria or germs over the nail.

6. To avoid the nails from the drought and special especially for  women in general, give a special cream to nails and do not use nail color remover that contains chemicals.

7. Not only the treatment from outside, to keep them healthy nails can also be done by drinking milk regularly and if possible can every day. Because of the high calcium milk that is useful to keep the nails to keep

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Got some Minutes?

You want sports, but claimed to not have the time? This time you can not escape again, since only a few minutes you can kok stay fresh and fit. Want to try?

5 minutes to laugh
Hohoho, never underestimate the power of your laughter! In fact laughter is like a sport. The reason is when you laugh, you enter that will increase the oxygen breathing and blood circulation in the body. This means

with a laugh you can while keeping the heart healthy blood pressure that does not rise.

Laughing five minutes with a period of five times a day also was allegedly able to enhance the immune system and suppress stress. So, let's invite your friends to get together and laugh together! As long as they do not laugh alone, then people will think you are 'less healthy'

10 minutes of stretching exercises

Doing stretching exercises or stretching will increase flexibility in the muscles to decrease the incidence of injury. In addition, stretching exercises are also good to do after the move to faster muscle recovery happened so avoid muscle soreness.

Stretching exercises you can do every day for 10 minutes. And because it is practical, then this exercise you can do anywhere, anytime. For example when watching TV at home or at the office desk.

10 minutes of meditation

Although looks very easy and simple, meditation is good for body balance and mental health. In the process of meditation, you will train by drawing a breath and exhale slowly and steadily. With a short meditation, the body will be more fresh and more focus pikiranpun. The experts concluded that if done properly, meditation can provide 10 minutes of the same effect as sleep for 1 hour.

15 minutes walk
If you feel so need regular exercise but do not really have time, try to set aside 10-15 minutes to walk. Walking is the most expensive sport and do not need any equipment. Simple things like choosing the stairs over the elevator if you're in the office, or out of the vehicle and parkirkan your car a little farther than where you usually park so you can walk to the office, far more meaningful than you do not exercise the same once.

30-minute nap
You know, Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill always recommend that men take a nap for 30 minutes? This makes sense, because according to a study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders Center in Detroit, United States, the 30 participants showed that people 30 people doing a short nap for 15-30 minutes to increase fitness and sharpness of mind after wake up. Although brief, a nap is beneficial for a short break can increase stamina has decreased during the day. That is why in several European countries applying the 'siesta', or the 'mandatory nap' for employees, where the offices or shops would be closed for employee naps. Hmmm, try in Indonesia also had their siesta ya!

60 minutes sunbathing

Our bodies need vitamin D is produced by our own bodies, but requires the help of sunlight. Even the mention of research in Europe during the winter where the sun shines only briefly, many people tend to feel depressed. Therefore, for the health of the body, especially bone, and also the mind, it is recommended at least every day people exposed to the sun for 60 minutes. But, do not forget to wear sunscreen at least SPF 15 so that the skin is not burned and blackened.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Healty way to loose weight

Confused! I'm just getting bigger than ever...

Weight is no doubt a very difficult task and can not more or less of the mission to anyone. Most people trying to lose weight using methods that are not recommended. For example, they began to starve for days. Now this method completely wrong, and through this you are not at all to lose weight and after a few days you'll give up because it was not easy. This article will focus on some natural ways that really work and you can use to lose weight in a very good way.

The first and best natural way to lose weight is through exercise. Exercise will not only make you lose weight but will also keep you refreshed. There are many forms of exercise that you can use to lose weight. Most people prefer to jog in other exercises because jogging can really warm you. Also increases stamina. After that came the gym. Sport is also a very good choice but it you have to be really selective in the engine because there are different types of machines. You may not use another machine unless the wheel tread because it is the only perfect machine to lose weight.

Another natural method to lose weight is to skip meals. Spent eating does not mean that you start spending all of 3 times a day. This is known as starvation and not at all advisable. If you really want to lose weight quickly you must go to the methods that are not reasonable, including taking weight loss pills such as clenbuterol is no doubt that clenbuterol is a very good drug but not for you if you really want to reduce lose weight the natural way.

This natural weight loss method that really perfect for everyone and should be used with natural methods first is training. There are many low calorie foods are available in the marketplace. No need to go for low calorie foods are available in various types of stick when you can prepare a low calorie foods in the house. Vegetables can actually help you lose weight because the main component is water and they contain few calories. Increasing the use of the vegetables in your diet to start losing weight quickly.

It is a way to lose weight that will save you from many hassles. There are no shortcuts to losing weight, unless you just simply go for Clenbuterol can help you lose many pounds in a matter of days. So use any method listed above and you'll start seeing a difference in your weight is within a few weeks. If you want to speed up the process of losing weight and then combine two or more weight loss the natural way together

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ulcer drug my friend

Udah nearly two weeks my stomach pain continued, it was very painful, the doctor said the symptoms of gastritis, which work well ... longer overlaps ...

Tired of merely taking medication, until of about 3 days ago I met an old friend, and I tell you about the disease say try these traditional recipe finely chopped Turmeric, continue to drink mixed with milk, sufficient amount of turmeric 1 segment only, for each cup milk, thank God after therapy 3 times a drinking've started a little better not mpenyakit ulcer recurrence, BUT STILL REMEMBER THE FIRST CONSULTING YOUR Doctor, about our biases such therapy because it is not an alternative course of treatment and doctors have a list of medical history helps provide unbiased reply recommendations into shape

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Avocado Benefits for Skin

1. Lime juice for skin whitening product. The fruit is known as a reliever or a mixture of tang flavor of food. But the truth Lime water for skin whitening is also beneficial for health or beauty and skin care. Water from pulp known to create skin pores shrink pores and remove excess fat in the skin berminyak.Manfaat: close up the skin pores and reduce excess lemak.Cara: Take a lime flesh, apply the facial skin. Usually around the nose and cheek pores look big. To whiten and smoothen the skin, rubbed into the flesh of the fruit skin.

2. Avocado for skin care product. Avocado many benefits, especially in beauty. According to the LAB, avocados contain many vitamins for whitening products, mineral products and to care for the skin of natural oil product. Avocado contains vitamins A, C and E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantotenik acids and proteins that are not found in fruit skin whitening.Manfaat: As a moisturizer or skin care.

How to: Take part in containing the avocado skin to skin humektan whitening products and skin care products can keep the skin moisture. Gosokkkan whitening product gently around the face and leave for 15 minutes. After that wash the face with cold water. Do it before you sleep at night because night time skin to work.

3. Vegetables. Many people know the vegetables as food. But care is also useful vegetable products in beauty, especially as a skin moisturizer product. Vegetables in this case is used for moisturizing masks scrubs atu. Masks can meneganggkan skin and smoothed kulit.Sayuran: cucumber, tomato, Bengkuang, potatoes carrots. BengkuangDapat whitening mask and remove the black marks and pigmentation of the skin. TomatDapat mask smooths the face skin and smoothed

4.Potato mask. To soften and whiten kulit.Lakukan srubbing regular 1 / 2 times a week so dead skin cells causes dull, rough skin can be lifted and peeled. This will speed up cell turnover to death by young cells automatically. Do not forget using sunblock cream or Handbody to skin not exposed to direct sunlight. For more treatment, use special scrubbing to face (many are sold at health and beauty tokoproduk) at least 1 2 times a week. Match your skin type. Or you can also do peeling. This treatment must be careful because the skin will peel quickly, so its use should be carefully exstra, even more so if your skin is very sensitive

Tips To Overcome Tired Foot

Each of us must have an activity or activities each day, sometimes along with the increasing intensity of our work is, often we feel our legs ached sore, this thing below you can do to help overcome:

"Take a water bowl, fill halfway with warm water, put a few tablespoons of salt, wipe your feet before putting into the warm water basin, so that helps process the blood circulation in the legs.

"Soak your feet for 5 - 10 minutes, you can also slowly massaging part of your toes, do this routinely, easily hope to help relaxing your leg

Monday, November 16, 2009

How to Eliminate Body Odor Proven ..!!

Make you who feel his body odor (whether or not to admit it), there are tips for effective elbow eliminates body odor. why I say worked, because I've tried it. and in just 2 weeks of foul smell coming out of the body disappeared immediately. do not believe it? check them out

Drinking boiled betel leaves, one glass per day / 2 days

Eating basil leaves at least one cell per day

Apply cucumber slices after every shower in the armpits and other body parts that smell

Eat less fatty foods, especially meat

Reduce spicy foods

Do not drink coffee (with caffeine)

Wearing a form deodorant spray (which forms a solid or roll-on just makes armpit wet / wet monkey, leaving marks on the shirt too)

1-3 is a way to make our body odor is more fragrant, while 4-6 is a way to reduce sweat effort (however arising body odor through the sweat that we remove). And the way to 7 is the normal way to keep the fragrant smell of the armpit remains

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Beginner Body Builder

Many people imagine their bodies swelled up beyond belief and changing a very thin frame to build muscle in a work of art. Unfortunately, they quickly discover that the prospect is a little harder than they first thought. Achieving excellence in bodybuilding requires not only dedication, but the intense physical exercise Many intense physical exercise. Therefore, we thought we would take some time to explain some basic principles that can help bodybuilders began to get friends to start their new businesses.

First of all, you should try to avoid your initial inclination and just getting light. Most people who start working to build serious muscle often end up biting of more than they could chew, or in this case, lifting weights heavier than they should. It is very easy to go from working out to lay in the hospital with a torn muscle if you push yourself too hard. Starting from the light, with the load you can handle, will allow you to make consistent progress and SECURE all your bodybuilding regimen.

One of the next thing to do is start bodybuilders trying to build muscle INDIVIDUAL. They take a dumbbell and started doing arm curls until someone tells them to stop. Unfortunately, no one has ever done, so more often than that, you'll see a series of good rifle on the body is weak ... come on, you know I'm right ... work ONE muscle at a time is a mistake at this point. Instead, you want to focus on the movement COMPOUND, or that which hit several major muscle groups at one time. This king is squatting. This exercise not only hits the bottom of your body is very effective, it also worked quite a few muscles in your upper body as well. There is no single exercise can pack on as much quality muscle as a squat.

Next on your initial list is moving bodybuilding bench press. These compounds are effective movement not only for your chest, not in any way. Bench presses hit the chest, shoulders, triceps, arms, and many of the stabilizing muscles in these areas as well. This exercise can pack on the muscle and made some key muscles much more powerful to provide the necessary power when you further your bodybuilding efforts.

Last on our list to start bodybuilding moves are pull-ups. Many people HATE to do this, and there is good reason ... they can not do it! Interesting from a set of 10 reps of pull-up bar is not only impressive, but it also has the ability to build serious muscle. Cranking out rep after representatives from the pull-ups can do things to you AMAZING Biceps, arms, shoulders, and of course, your entire back. Once you get to the point of being able to do 25 or so, you can always add weight and continue to return to the beef. Think of the 25 sounds like a lot? Do pull-ups every day and you WILL get there.

That thing above you can use as

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss and baldness is a frightening specter for everybody. Various attempts were made to avoid the problem. Hundreds of thousands of money floating for salon hair care salons in the following well-known drug prevention buy hair loss with a variety of brands.
In general, hair loss caused by two factors namely hereditary factors or genetic and acquired factors. Loss due to heredity is not much to do other than prevent the loss does not take place quickly. While factors obtained, there is a caused by the disease and there is also the fault of the hair treatment.
Here are some tips you can do to reduce the occurrence of hair loss:
· Eat nutritious foods, especially a lot of protein and iron. Protein is essential for the growth of organs including the hair. The main source of protein derived from fish, eggs, nuts, yogurt, soy and more.
Avoid stress because stress will disturb the body's metabolism to receive the effects of hair, too.
· Stay away from the drug that can disturb the growth of hair.
· Rajinlah exercise. Exercise regularly to facilitate the circulation of blood, including circulation in the scalp hair that will menutrisi.
· Addition diligent exercise, adequate rest so that your hair growth is more optimal.
· Stop smoking, reduce caffeine consumption. Both these substances are not good for your hair.
Avoid using too hot water when shampooing and also avoid using the hair dryer too often. Dry your hair with a towel and had aired in the open air.
· Protect your scalp from direct sunlight.
· Choose to use a good herbal shampoo, do not use a shampoo made of chemicals that are not clear.
· Comb your hair gently while still in a state of hair slightly damp.
· Reduce the use of hair gel, cream, hair oil, hair dye and hair spray. Use products made from natural materials.
· When you shave, the barber sarankanlah you use a sharp scissors.
Avoid the habit of pulling hair pulled with no clear reason.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What is the relationship between sleep regularly with the health body

Oh My God!! .. I woke up late again this time, where I have an important presentation this morning ... .. ow to much sacrificing just to watch the football, ... why i can not wake up early, I've set the alarm right ...
As I expect when arrived the office ,the boss got mad at, so what could I do ... ... ... ))(($#

What is the relationship between sleep regularly with the health body,so i can wake early every morning...

Internet Says :

List of Members of the Body Clock Piket

Lungs meridian: 3-5 hours in the morning
Large intestine meridian: 5-7 hours in the morning
Stomach meridian: 7-9 hours in the morning
The spleen meridian: Hours 9-11 am
The heart meridian: Hour 11 - 1siang
Small intestine meridian: 1-3 Hours noon
The bladder meridian: Hours 3-5 pm
Kidney meridian: 5-7 hours late
The heart meridian membrane: Hours 7-9 nights
Tri heater meridian: 9-11 Jam night
Gall bladder meridian: Hour 11 - 1dini days
Heart meridian: 1-3 hours in the morning

Based on the clock picket organs, we can observe our own health, for example, when every hour of 3 am you wake up and have trouble falling asleep again, then the energy in the liver or the lungs in a less balanced (liver picket hours: 1-3 hours of the morning; while the clock picket lungs: 3-5 hours of the morning). In addition, beginning at 9 tonight, our bodies need rest to remove toxins (de-toxin), and our bodies need regular 8-hour break. Ideally from 9 tonight we have started to break your body with enough rest. 9 hours a night when not asleep, tried to be the body in a relaxed state and does not work. And picket at the lungs, occurs detox awake. For someone who used to wake up in the morning (before sunrise or just before 5 am) let alone direct sports, usually the lungs in a healthy state because oxygen supply can last more leverage. This will bring positive impact on overall health. While the large intestine began working to remove toxins in the body (5-7 hours in the morning) and of course take place consciously awake. Both these organs are in peak condition and needs of our consciousness, not in a state of waking sleep. In people who sleep late at night and wake up late, then the process of body clock pickets became disrupted and this can affect health. According to TCM, the people who like dugem, then the risk of future heart problems or liver problems more than those who have a regular bedtime and sleep start is not too late at night. Here's the reason why we need 8 hours of sleep and sleep regularly.

In the evening hours are 9-11 Tri-hour picket heater / Triple Warmer / San Jiao: when disposal of substances that are not useful or toxins in the antibody system (lymph nodes). During the duration of toxic waste, the body takes in a state of calm and should rest (sleep). If not asleep, in a state of calm is needed while listening to soft music or doing relaxation, meditation, or breathing. When the heater Tri-hour picket is disrupted, the body's immune power is also affected.

11-1 night-time, hour picket gallbladder is an organ-hour detox from bile. You really need a rest and natural sleep soundly. If the literacy habits until late at night and eating fatty foods or drinking alcohol, eating gall bladder can not remove the poison, even storing toxins. Toxins accumulated in the gall bladder, can be a crystal.

-The 1-3 hour morning: clock picket liver meridian, screening centers and the formation of blood toxins. For people who at this hour still asleep, and had a habit dugem until morning, then the liver will be uninterrupted performance and future possibilities in the liver problem also affected large. If the liver is interrupted, then the filtration system and the formation of blood toxins also affected. This can cause insomnia, increased blood pressure, and explosive emotions.

3-5 hours-clock picket lungs, respiratory tract cleansing hour. For patients with cough, at this hour will be a great cough. For those who attacked sinusitis, asthma, and brobkhitis, the morning is an uncomfortable time because usually great cough or snot out much. For those who love sports in the morning before sunrise, lungs organs will be strong. In people who often have problems with the respiratory tract, regular exercise in the morning can be very helpful to strengthen the lungs organs and help heal health problems. People who used to wake up this morning around the clock picket lung and exercise in the morning, will be more fit and youthful.

5-7 morning-Hour: hour detox from the large intestine meridian. You need to remove toxins through the Chapter at this, because at this hour of the large intestine has a lot of energy required to move the muscles perilstatik to remove toxins and substances that are not useful. Call this nature need to be given a regular response. Drainage system so that toxins in the morning will be smoother and healthier body.

-And in the morning is a 7-9 hour picket at the stomach meridian, then you need to eat in the morning to strengthen your stomach. Needed to eat soft and not too heavy but nutritious after fasting during sleep while away the toxins from the body. Passing through the morning without breakfast is not a wise action, because according to TCM, the stomach is the fire of your kitchen, and breakfast is the fuel for the day that you live. In China it was the custom of eating rice porridge mixed with yams. In addition to easily digested porridge, sweet potatoes have a high antioxidant content.

Description of the detox in the evening and the importance of regular night's sleep is actually a very barharga lesson for us to make a living by regularly if you want to stay healthy and do not get old. About the need enough sleep, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Associaton's Archves of Internal Medicine do peneltian of 1255 patients with high blood pressure. The fact that 2.4% is associated with heart disease occur in people who sleep less than 7.5 hours. While having hours of sleep for more than 7.5 hours it happened only 1.8%.

While in TCM, there is close relationship between liver with heart problems. Liver with wood elements are in order before the fire berunsur heart. Liver / wood is the mother of the heart / fire in which the mother and provide nutritional support to the child. If you lack sleep, then your liver is weak or lack of rest. If the liver is weak, so the mother could not function as a maximum of mothers and gives nutritional support to the child / heart, so that the heart will suffer. So avoid sleeping too late at night for liver health and your heart.

According to TCM, in the event of insomnia, it can be noted as follows: If is difficult to sleep, then keep in mind is the organ: liver or gallbladder. When awakened after falling asleep and trouble falling asleep again, then he needs to watch out for is the organ of the spleen or heart (Isis Holistic Clinic, Boston / Understanding the Horary Cycle of Healing By Karen Clickner, NDApr 4, 2007). The problem of insomnia is one of the causes of other diseases due to recess bemunculan disrupted. Causing toxic waste-disposal tubuhpun come from disrupted.
So do not be trivialized or sleeplessness problems dugem habits. Acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and acupressure are oriented to the horary cycle of energy or energy harmony through specific points can help with insomnia. Regular exercise, if the breath / pranayama, eating patterns and hours of the order, and peace of mind will also help regular sleep pattern and quality. Health is always rooted in the regular habits of life and quality
Sources: Isis Holistic Clinic, Boston, 'Science Acupuncture', Tse Ching Sen, et al, and
John A. Amaro DC, FIAMA, Dipl.Ac., L.Ac.Carefree, Arizona

Monday, November 9, 2009

Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Dont's

Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Dont's

by: Jasdeep Singh
Packing on Muscle mass involves a lot of dedication and care. At times, trying too hard can have its negative effects too. Right guidance and proper techniques make the perfect recipe to MUSCLE BUILDING. Muscle Building is no joke, but at the same time, very much possible. The bottomline is to workout in the right direction and not to harm your body. Here are some Do's and Dont's for Muscle Building.

Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Dont's

1) Popping a pill to reach your health and fitness goal is not the answer! Results are temporary and effects the body adversely in the long run.

2) Remove the tag " Short cut" from your workout schedule. There is no such thing as quick-fix. Dedication and hardwork hold the key for MUSCLE BUILDING.

3) Dietary Supplements can be helpful in achieving your goals. Supplementation is designed to supplement your healthy eating and exercise habits.

4) Dont go in for any supplement you come across. Before taking a supplement, consult your trained or a physician. Always buy supplements from a reputed DRUGSTORE. Do your research before taking in a supplement. One such reputed and recommended online store for drugs is Read Reviews at

5) Supplements shouldnt be misunderstood as steroids. Steroids should be a BIG NO. Gather more knowledge on supplements at

6) Muscle Building Diet: It occupies a prominent area in MUSCLE BUILDING pie-chart. You should be highly careful related to your muscle building diet. Always ask your trainer to write down a diet schedule for you.

7) Give rest to your body between two sets, say for two minutes.

8) Not work on more than two muscle groups at a time. Train those mucles in a group which work with each other. This technique has proven to be effective. For eg: Chest and Triceps or biceps and backs.

9) The most effective time to do muscle building exercises is in the morning. You have consumed a lot of carbs by evening. So, carbs become the source of energy for you when you do your exercises in evening. But in morning, body depends on its alternative source i.e FAT for energy. Hence fats get burned up more in morning.

10) Last but not the least, Dont be biased to any body part. Proper balance is a necessity. Having big upper body and skinny legs is no good. Work out on entire body

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