Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Releasing Stress

Stress .. this word must be said, we often hear ... ), especially for longer pursued targets

Make frequent or longer stress.silahkan try the following tips ... ..

1. Control your desire.

The stronger the desire, the greater the threat of stress. Therefore, control every desire. Not that should not have a strong determination to achieve something. It's just that sometimes we are not balanced position themselves in the pursuit of ideals. Softened so that the desires can be achieved and finally become a reality.

2. Know your abilities and potential well.

Someone will be happier to know that he was capable of doing something useful, either for himself or for others. Remember that God created us with the best of shape.

So, to quote the opinion of my husband, I only have one advantage that is NOT HAVE A SHORTAGE. all that is in me is an advantage (shorter, more irritable, more .... just all over deh!) Make sure that everyone has duties and obligations of each on this earth for which he created with all the advantages he had , which is not necessarily owned by someone else.

3. Positive thinking.

There's an old saying: "Better to light a candle than to blame Power Producer" (it's true there is a saying like this..:)). That is, rather than continue to chafe because dead lamps, candles and turn ong! Not so bright. Emergency Lamp also fine
Anyway Positive, Negative Out.

Stop looking for other people's mistakes and make necessary changes made to himself.

See things that should be the bright side. Do not constantly thinking about the negatives. With sunglasses like that, what emerges is the desire that is not cool.

4. Express sadness, fear, anxiety in various forms.

Try talking to other people, singing, laughing (just do not excessively), cry, or write a poem like the my friends.))  The best is to make friends with people who can give advices

5. Continue to pray

We should keep trying, but there are other forces that determine the final outcome, namely the Lord, so continue to do the best.OK

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