Sunday, December 20, 2009

Want to Sleep with a healthy way, use loose clothing

There are many ways to live a healthy, other than a healthy diet and exercise, sleep patterns were also influenced by health ...
especially for women, have you slept comfortably lately ..?
Many of the women did not want to bother when they do not change the bed clothes, the clothes worn everyday sometimes used to sleep well.
In fact, the activity most comfortable sleep is to use sleep pajamas or loose clothing.
Additionally, if sleep would be better without a bra. Because the underwear is too much pressure on the abdomen or chest that may suppress the nerves affecting organ function.
If using tight clothing during sleep can cause a variety of ailments such as diarrhea, constipation, dizziness and itching.
Well!, By taking off underwear, blood circulation will be better and more smoothly. Elasticity is also more flexible body so that sleep more soundly.
Body will naturally warmer, skin conditions we shall much better for getting more oxygen

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