Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Releasing Stress

Stress .. this word must be said, we often hear ... ), especially for longer pursued targets

Make frequent or longer stress.silahkan try the following tips ... ..

1. Control your desire.

The stronger the desire, the greater the threat of stress. Therefore, control every desire. Not that should not have a strong determination to achieve something. It's just that sometimes we are not balanced position themselves in the pursuit of ideals. Softened so that the desires can be achieved and finally become a reality.

2. Know your abilities and potential well.

Someone will be happier to know that he was capable of doing something useful, either for himself or for others. Remember that God created us with the best of shape.

So, to quote the opinion of my husband, I only have one advantage that is NOT HAVE A SHORTAGE. all that is in me is an advantage (shorter, more irritable, more .... just all over deh!) Make sure that everyone has duties and obligations of each on this earth for which he created with all the advantages he had , which is not necessarily owned by someone else.

3. Positive thinking.

There's an old saying: "Better to light a candle than to blame Power Producer" (it's true there is a saying like this..:)). That is, rather than continue to chafe because dead lamps, candles and turn ong! Not so bright. Emergency Lamp also fine
Anyway Positive, Negative Out.

Stop looking for other people's mistakes and make necessary changes made to himself.

See things that should be the bright side. Do not constantly thinking about the negatives. With sunglasses like that, what emerges is the desire that is not cool.

4. Express sadness, fear, anxiety in various forms.

Try talking to other people, singing, laughing (just do not excessively), cry, or write a poem like the my friends.))  The best is to make friends with people who can give advices

5. Continue to pray

We should keep trying, but there are other forces that determine the final outcome, namely the Lord, so continue to do the best.OK

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fresh Face & Healthy Men

In this modern life was not only women, men also need to clean your face to remove oil dirt, sweat, and skin cells to die. The following tips can be used for facial skin peraawatan for men.
Use soap, lotion or gel foam. Choose a soap that has a level of acidity (pH) of about 5.5 to the natural moisture on the skin does not quickly disappear. Choose Cleanser plus in the form of lotion if dry skin freshener.

Use a scrub 2 times a week. Exfoliation is necessary for the dry skin, normal, or oily-cells to stimulate new skin cells. However, if the skin is to avoid having a serious acne.

Use a moisturizer according to skin type denagn.

- Oily Skin: choose a water based & oil free

- Dry skin: apply a moisturizer in the skin is still moist, in order to help bind water moisturizer, choose a cream, to be more youthful, apply a night cream before bed.

- Sensitive Skin: Avoid extra formula with fragrance because it will react to the skin, choose a non alergenic

Try to do exercise because it will make a smooth blood circulation, increase oxygen in the blood, remove toxins, so skin looks fresh and healthy.


Signs are cracked at the foot may occur as they often do activities related to water, such as washing. It could also be because of the foot are often exposed to liquid detergents which can cause a problem foot,
The following treatment you can try to keep your foot healty:
1. Perform regular foot care by applying lotion to feet cream smoother. This is to help the skin becomes soft feet.

2. In addition to chemicals, the skin cracked feet can also be caused by the use of open shoes. The use of open footwear in the tumi in a long time can also cause the skin becomes broken leg. Thus, for skin that has sensitive skin, should use footwear while in the house. When you get wet feet detergent, immediately wash thoroughly.

3. Apply foot care. First, wash feet for about ten minutes. When the legs are tender, Brush with Pumice Foot File or Brush. Can also be used Exfoliating Foot Scrut. Use it on your feet dry and rub until the end of the fingers, legs and thighs. After that wipe clean. Then use soothing foot cream.

4. For those whose feet sweat frequently, they are encouraged to use antiperspirant Foot Cream, Relief Cream Foot Powder Foot and Deodoriqing.

5. For socks, use a cotton and replace it every day.

6. Do not be too often use high heels and shoes that are too narrow, try using open shoes to keep the air circulation there.

7. For routine treatment, spend enough time around 20-30 minutes. Soak feet in a container of warm water that has added a few drops of disinfectant. Rub your toes with a soft brush. As for the heel broken, Brush using a pumice stone or foot penghalus tools that are usually sold in beauty stores. This tool is able to slough off the dry skin on the heel

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Want to Sleep with a healthy way, use loose clothing

There are many ways to live a healthy, other than a healthy diet and exercise, sleep patterns were also influenced by health ...
especially for women, have you slept comfortably lately ..?
Many of the women did not want to bother when they do not change the bed clothes, the clothes worn everyday sometimes used to sleep well.
In fact, the activity most comfortable sleep is to use sleep pajamas or loose clothing.
Additionally, if sleep would be better without a bra. Because the underwear is too much pressure on the abdomen or chest that may suppress the nerves affecting organ function.
If using tight clothing during sleep can cause a variety of ailments such as diarrhea, constipation, dizziness and itching.
Well!, By taking off underwear, blood circulation will be better and more smoothly. Elasticity is also more flexible body so that sleep more soundly.
Body will naturally warmer, skin conditions we shall much better for getting more oxygen

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nail Care Tips

1. Women usually use nail coloring as one part of the fashion or the main attraction that will raise self-esteem. But using the nail color is not constant either because it can make your nails look yellow and brittle. For that, get used to not use nail coloring one day a week so you can rest your nails.

For a Muslim, it is not advisable to use nail color but only for intended for her husband and it was usually with a dye that does not nail is permanent or temporary, for example, we know the natural dyes from leaves of Chinese girlfriend or boyfriend or a kind of Mecca and also in terms of thaharah It is still tolerated if it does not prevent absorb the water into the pores of the nail when the purification ritual impurity or a large shower.

2.Untuk make nails become strong and not easily broken, use star fruit and vegetables and rub-rub at the nail bed. Can also be soaked in balsamic vinegar and olive oil already heated.

3. for those who do housework can make your nails and hands are rough. To soften hands, wash our hands into the citrus juice which has been mixed with honey for 10 minutes.

4. To remove stains on your nails, wash your hand  in warm water that has been given lemon juice for 15-20 minutes. Because orange juice contains astringent that can eliminate the dull color of the nail.

5. Fingernail growth every week about 0,5-1,5 mm is four times faster than toenails growth. For that, see to it that we keep fingernails short to eliminate the entry of bacteria or germs over the nail.

6. To avoid the nails from the drought and special especially for  women in general, give a special cream to nails and do not use nail color remover that contains chemicals.

7. Not only the treatment from outside, to keep them healthy nails can also be done by drinking milk regularly and if possible can every day. Because of the high calcium milk that is useful to keep the nails to keep

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Got some Minutes?

You want sports, but claimed to not have the time? This time you can not escape again, since only a few minutes you can kok stay fresh and fit. Want to try?

5 minutes to laugh
Hohoho, never underestimate the power of your laughter! In fact laughter is like a sport. The reason is when you laugh, you enter that will increase the oxygen breathing and blood circulation in the body. This means

with a laugh you can while keeping the heart healthy blood pressure that does not rise.

Laughing five minutes with a period of five times a day also was allegedly able to enhance the immune system and suppress stress. So, let's invite your friends to get together and laugh together! As long as they do not laugh alone, then people will think you are 'less healthy'

10 minutes of stretching exercises

Doing stretching exercises or stretching will increase flexibility in the muscles to decrease the incidence of injury. In addition, stretching exercises are also good to do after the move to faster muscle recovery happened so avoid muscle soreness.

Stretching exercises you can do every day for 10 minutes. And because it is practical, then this exercise you can do anywhere, anytime. For example when watching TV at home or at the office desk.

10 minutes of meditation

Although looks very easy and simple, meditation is good for body balance and mental health. In the process of meditation, you will train by drawing a breath and exhale slowly and steadily. With a short meditation, the body will be more fresh and more focus pikiranpun. The experts concluded that if done properly, meditation can provide 10 minutes of the same effect as sleep for 1 hour.

15 minutes walk
If you feel so need regular exercise but do not really have time, try to set aside 10-15 minutes to walk. Walking is the most expensive sport and do not need any equipment. Simple things like choosing the stairs over the elevator if you're in the office, or out of the vehicle and parkirkan your car a little farther than where you usually park so you can walk to the office, far more meaningful than you do not exercise the same once.

30-minute nap
You know, Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill always recommend that men take a nap for 30 minutes? This makes sense, because according to a study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders Center in Detroit, United States, the 30 participants showed that people 30 people doing a short nap for 15-30 minutes to increase fitness and sharpness of mind after wake up. Although brief, a nap is beneficial for a short break can increase stamina has decreased during the day. That is why in several European countries applying the 'siesta', or the 'mandatory nap' for employees, where the offices or shops would be closed for employee naps. Hmmm, try in Indonesia also had their siesta ya!

60 minutes sunbathing

Our bodies need vitamin D is produced by our own bodies, but requires the help of sunlight. Even the mention of research in Europe during the winter where the sun shines only briefly, many people tend to feel depressed. Therefore, for the health of the body, especially bone, and also the mind, it is recommended at least every day people exposed to the sun for 60 minutes. But, do not forget to wear sunscreen at least SPF 15 so that the skin is not burned and blackened.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Healty way to loose weight

Confused! I'm just getting bigger than ever...

Weight is no doubt a very difficult task and can not more or less of the mission to anyone. Most people trying to lose weight using methods that are not recommended. For example, they began to starve for days. Now this method completely wrong, and through this you are not at all to lose weight and after a few days you'll give up because it was not easy. This article will focus on some natural ways that really work and you can use to lose weight in a very good way.

The first and best natural way to lose weight is through exercise. Exercise will not only make you lose weight but will also keep you refreshed. There are many forms of exercise that you can use to lose weight. Most people prefer to jog in other exercises because jogging can really warm you. Also increases stamina. After that came the gym. Sport is also a very good choice but it you have to be really selective in the engine because there are different types of machines. You may not use another machine unless the wheel tread because it is the only perfect machine to lose weight.

Another natural method to lose weight is to skip meals. Spent eating does not mean that you start spending all of 3 times a day. This is known as starvation and not at all advisable. If you really want to lose weight quickly you must go to the methods that are not reasonable, including taking weight loss pills such as clenbuterol is no doubt that clenbuterol is a very good drug but not for you if you really want to reduce lose weight the natural way.

This natural weight loss method that really perfect for everyone and should be used with natural methods first is training. There are many low calorie foods are available in the marketplace. No need to go for low calorie foods are available in various types of stick when you can prepare a low calorie foods in the house. Vegetables can actually help you lose weight because the main component is water and they contain few calories. Increasing the use of the vegetables in your diet to start losing weight quickly.

It is a way to lose weight that will save you from many hassles. There are no shortcuts to losing weight, unless you just simply go for Clenbuterol can help you lose many pounds in a matter of days. So use any method listed above and you'll start seeing a difference in your weight is within a few weeks. If you want to speed up the process of losing weight and then combine two or more weight loss the natural way together

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