Monday, December 21, 2009


Signs are cracked at the foot may occur as they often do activities related to water, such as washing. It could also be because of the foot are often exposed to liquid detergents which can cause a problem foot,
The following treatment you can try to keep your foot healty:
1. Perform regular foot care by applying lotion to feet cream smoother. This is to help the skin becomes soft feet.

2. In addition to chemicals, the skin cracked feet can also be caused by the use of open shoes. The use of open footwear in the tumi in a long time can also cause the skin becomes broken leg. Thus, for skin that has sensitive skin, should use footwear while in the house. When you get wet feet detergent, immediately wash thoroughly.

3. Apply foot care. First, wash feet for about ten minutes. When the legs are tender, Brush with Pumice Foot File or Brush. Can also be used Exfoliating Foot Scrut. Use it on your feet dry and rub until the end of the fingers, legs and thighs. After that wipe clean. Then use soothing foot cream.

4. For those whose feet sweat frequently, they are encouraged to use antiperspirant Foot Cream, Relief Cream Foot Powder Foot and Deodoriqing.

5. For socks, use a cotton and replace it every day.

6. Do not be too often use high heels and shoes that are too narrow, try using open shoes to keep the air circulation there.

7. For routine treatment, spend enough time around 20-30 minutes. Soak feet in a container of warm water that has added a few drops of disinfectant. Rub your toes with a soft brush. As for the heel broken, Brush using a pumice stone or foot penghalus tools that are usually sold in beauty stores. This tool is able to slough off the dry skin on the heel

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